Take off your Golden Handcuffs you nerd

Remove the Golden Handcuffs

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Software developers and College CS Majors...avoid the "Golden Handcuffs".

I graduated last year from the University of Maryland with a B.S. in Computer Science. Was it hard? For sure, ChatGPT came mid senior-year after all.

While I knew becoming a software engineer would result in a six-figure salary, my mentor had told me early on that software engineering was like wearing a set of "Golden Handcuffs".

You are stuck in the 9-5, but make a bunch of money doing so, so you never leave. Kind of like settling for a B+ in a class.

It was then I knew I wanted to use my coding skills to start a side hustle that would eventually earn me more than my software engineering job.

I'm 98% the way there. The side hustle is coding bots.

There's so much more to talk about but I don't want to bore you. For those who want to learn how to code bots and earn an extra $5k-10k/mo, click this.

Don't wait to change your life,

Ritesh Verma

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If you wish to make a request on a particular topic you would like to read, you can send me an email to rvbusiness1m@gmail.com.

113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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Ritesh Verma

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